
Starting at conception, a mother’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes to accommodate and protect a growing baby. These changes, in addition to previously accumulated stress on a mother’s body, often result in compromised motion of the spine and pelvis and can interfere with the communication pathways of the nervous system housed within these structures.

The first goal of chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is to help clear interference in a mother’s nervous system. Clear communication between the brain and body is the most basic necessity for optimal function of all organs and systems. Baby then benefits from the improvements in mother’s health and experiences a better environment for healthy development.

Secondly, chiropractic care restores proper biomechanics to a mother’s spine and pelvis. Misalignment within these structures during pregnancy can cause pain and discomfort for mom, as well as an imbalance in the pelvic muscles and ligaments that support and stabilize her expanding uterus. When the pelvis is balanced, the uterus is able to enlarge symmetrically with the growing baby.

If the pelvis is out of alignment, or subluxated, asymmetrical ligament support will reduce the amount of room for the developing baby. The term used to describe this restriction is intrauterine constraint. This constraint can adversely affect baby and prevent him/her from moving into the easiest and safest position for birth. Suboptimal positions can lead to a longer and more painful birth process with increased need for medical interventions.

The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and gentle adjustment that works to correct sacral subluxation, balance muscle and ligament tension within the pelvis, reduce intrauterine constraint on baby and maximize pelvic diameter within the mother. This creates the best possible opportunity for a natural delivery process. Baby is able to get into the optimal position for birth and more easily pass through the birth canal. The reduced need for medical intervention also improves bonding immediately following the birth, shortens the recovery period for mother, and eases the transition to life outside the womb for baby. Dr. Gina has been certified in the Webster Technique since 2009 and has seen many mothers and babies benefit from this technique.

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