
Chiropractic care is an extremely gentle and safe way to ensure that a child starts life with the best possible chance to grow and thrive as they should. 

In the early years of life, essential developmental changes are occurring at an incredible rate. Head to body mass ratio is very high as a baby learns to hold his/her head up, crawl and walk, creating stress in the upper spine. Added flexibility of a child’s frame creates risk of damage to delicate nervous tissues during the repeated bumps and falls common for little ones. Immunity is being built through exposure to new pathogens and through progressive experience in mounting an appropriate immune response. Learning is happening as sensory information is integrated and given meaning. During the school aged years new stresses are encountered… heavy backpacks, competitive sports, chemicals and irritants from foods and environment, hormone changes, and social, academic and emotional challenges continue. 

These stressors have a cumulative effect on a young person’s body. The earlier a child is checked for nervous system interference, the less likely he/she will experience newborn and childhood health challenges. Proper movement within the spinal joints greatly increases both amount and accuracy of sensory information to the brain and significantly effects a child’s ability to process information mentally, physically and emotionally. Well adjusted children also have the advantage of a stronger immune system and quicker recovery from injury. How we support children during these years determines their expression of health and well-being for a lifetime.

An extensive amount of pediatric and family wellness research can be viewed at: